23 before 24: Week 9

2014-02-16_0002logoWeek 9 was pretty great. I've been spending more time with family and friends and practicing my cooking.

Now, I'm usually a loner and I'm actually really, very ok with it (yes, I had to add that emphasis lol). I enjoy alone time and I don't mind having very few friends. I'm the epitome of your typical introvert, sprinkled with a little bit of social anxiety. I swear I'm not mean or stuck up, I'm just quiet and nervous around new people. It takes a little bit more time for me to open up to anyone. Unless, I'm thrown into a job where I have to come out of my shell, and as exhausting as it might be, I fend fairly well for myself. With all that being said, I know hanging out with friends is good for me, and when I can push myself out of the house I really enjoy it. Which is why I made a goal to meet more people, and to spend more time with friends and family. I spent some time with friends and family in Centerville, Kettering, Englewood, and Yellow Springs last week. See below. : D




Here is where practicing cooking came in to play. Everything we made above was homemade and it was delicious.


Brandon's band The Noodle Factory played in Yellow Springs on Valentine's Day at the Spirited Goat. Bad weather made for an intimate gathering and they ended a little early, but we had a great time at One Eyed Jacks afterward. 2014-02-19_0005

Instead of spending the big bucks to go out to The Melting Pot on Saturday, Brandon and I made cheese and chocolate fondue at home. Our presentation wasn't nearly as great as the restaurant, but I swear it was some of the best fondue I have ever had. I love experimenting with food and building my cooking experience.

Sunday, Brandon and I took a visit to see my grandparents at my grandpa's nursing home, and we had a bite to eat at Boston's Bistro and Pub for lunch. I'll have a separate post for that trip later, coming tomorrow or Friday, with a bunch of yummy pictures.

Oh, and did you hear? Yesterday, I put my two weeks notice in for my current job. Besides my budding photography business, I don't really have a back up plan as far as a stable income. I have never felt so liberated. I think I'll have a separate blog post just for that as well.  

Happy hump day, friends! Chelsea