Bits & Pieces: My Weekend and Progress
Left: This weekend Brandon (my boyfriend), Cole (Brandon's roommate), Kelly (Cole's girlfriend), and I took a visit to Yellow Springs Brewery. It was pretty fantastic. Now, I was already a fan of their Captain Stardust Saison, after trying it at Pies and Pints at The Greene, but I had never tried anything else they had to offer before Saturday. Brandon got a flight of a few different beers and I (of course) tried Prowler, which is a yummy, dark oatmeal stout. I loved it so much I even finished the cup from Cole and Kelly's flight that they didn't plan on drinking. We did however leave a little early to head to Peach's, because it was a packed house and there wasn't much room to move around (hence my outside pictures). Despite the full house, I'll definitely be back again, but maybe on a weeknight with a smaller crowd.
Right: I found a fortune cookie in my knapsack that I hadn't opened yet (I've been eating a lot of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Thai lately) and in my tipsy (ok, maybe drunken) stupor I ripped ajar the package, broke the cookie in half, and read the contents, "Endurance and Persistence will be rewarded." How fitting for this blog and even my life at this moment. I'm constantly looking to improve my life and I sometimes get discouraged that the results aren't rapid or I haven't attained that "instant gratification" I've been seeking. Sometimes we (ok, I, definitely I) need to be reminded that results, goals, and dreams may take a little bit longer to attain, but enduring and persisting in times of defeat or hopelessness results into the fruition of those things we desire.
Goals I've been working towards this week: -Paying off debt and closing a line of credit I'm slowly, but surely getting my debt lowered every paycheck! Yippee!
-Saving over 1k for the year With all of my current bills and working towards getting debt paid off, sometimes it can be really hard to pinch pennies and throw them in my savings. However, every week that I have a little extra money than expected, I transfer it over to my saving account and I don't touch it! Here's to saving for the future. CHEERS!
-Practicing minimalism I have been visiting many sites similar to this one, suggested by my lovely friend Amma, and reading up on how I can begin the process to a minimalist lifestyle. As of now, I am just in the planning stages and I hope to have my life and living quarters decluttered come spring cleaning time.
-Bringing my camera most places and documenting This one has been surprisingly difficult, mostly due to the fact I have a terrible memory and I forget to grab my camera before I leave. BUT! Hey, I brought my camera with me this weekend and I count that as making progress, my friends.
-Learning how to do my own business accounting Taxes are here and I'll admit, I have NO FREAKING CLUE what I am doing. Which is why I have been spending time reading masses and masses of information on small business taxes and accounting. There is no doubt in my mind I will have this goal accomplished by the end of tax season.
& With that being said, I have much more to catch up on and a lot of progress to make. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Keep following your goals and dreams! -Chelsea