Gift Card

Gift Card
Those of us in the event industry have taken a big hit due to COVID-19.
Chelsea Hall Photography is currently offering gift cards for those who want to help support us during this time. You can purchase a digital gift card now and you’ll to be able to redeem towards a future session or event at a later date.
When you purchase this item, you’ll be receiving a “Digital Credit.” Please keep your email receipt as proof of purchase. Please read our terms & conditions below, before purchasing.
These Terms and Conditions apply to Gift Certificates and govern the relationship between Chelsea Hall Photography & Gift Certificate Puchaser/Holder. Purchase/use of your Gift Certificate will constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
Your Gift Certificate is a digital credit issued by Chelsea Hall Photography.
All Photo-sessions must be scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance, and based on photographer availability.
Using your Gift Certificate: You may redeem your digital credit Gift Certificate by contacting Chelsea Hall Photography via our contact form on our website or email address When you use your Gift Certificate the amount of your purchase will be deducted from the balance on the Certificate. The remaining balance may be applied to future purchases. You may not exchange your Gift Certificate for cash. Refunds will not be given for the purchase of a Gift Certificate. We reserve the right to refuse to accept Gift Certificates which we believe may have been stolen or obtained in another illegal way. Photo-session is by appointment only, subject to photographer availability. All Gift Certificates do not include specific times and/or dates, and are limited by location to within 20 miles of Dayton, Ohio, unless otherwise agreed upon by client and Chelsea Hall Photography.
Expiration & Cancellation: There is an expiration period of one (1) year from date of issuance, applied to your Gift Certificate. However, we reserve the right to cancel your Gift Certificate if we suspect it is being used fraudulently or in breach of the following Terms and Conditions.
Resale/Use in Promotions: You may not sell your Gift Certificate. Gift Certificates may not be used in sales or promotional activities including giveaways or prizes in competitions without our prior consent. We reserve the right to cancel any Gift Certificate that we suspect has been resold or obtained in connection with an unauthorized sales or promotional activity.
Data Protection and Privacy When you use a Gift Certificate you will be asked to provide certain personal information, including your name, address and contact details, as well as signing a contract regarding your photo-session. We are committed to maintaining the security of your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is kept secure against unauthorised access, loss, disclosure or destruction.
Photography Contract Required: All gift certificate holders must sign a legally binding photography contract with Chelsea Hall Photography, before any photography or print services will be administered. Without contract signed, gift certificate holder does not have the rights to any services provided by Chelsea Hall Photography, and does not have the right to use gift certificate in exchange for any Chelsea Hall Photography’s photography or print services, or for any monetary refunds.
Cancellation: Gift certificates may be cancelled by Chelsea Hall Photography, if after issue, any information supplied at the time of purchase is untrue or inaccurate, or if payment is declined or incorrect cardholder details and/or billing information has been supplied.
Refusal of Service: Chelsea Hall Photography may refuse service where provision of services would, in our opinion, negatively affect the workplace rights, safety or well being of our Staff or Clients, or cause an unreasonable disruption to our normal operations. This includes any issues of abuse or disrespect (whether emotionally or physically) by client towards any of our Chelsea Hall Photography staff members. If this happens, then gift certificate, print credit and any other offers pertaining to gift certificate will be forfeited and withdrawn from client use, and client will not hold Chelsea Hall Photography, its staff members and heirs liable in any way for amount of gift certificate. If you are refused services due to issues stated above, you then forfeit any rights to gift certificate, photo-session & print credit offered.